
Agile Development

skateboard, bike, car

Agile Development is a methodology for developing software. In this methodology you start with the simplest code you can possibly write to get things started. This can even be just empty files with the right names in the right folders! Then in small steps you add more code so that each little step works, is meaningful for the user, and is a little closer to the end goal.

This strategy is sooooo important to learn because programming is hard. All developers (even your coaches!) make mistakes all the time. The best way to manage mistakes is to work in small, understandable steps and making sure that each step works before moving on.

Working in small, meaningful steps is also important because it’s impossible to plan for everything. Your understanding of the problem will evolve, you will learn better ways to write code, and the user’s requirements will change over time. Working in small meaningful steps and pausing to reassess after each step makes it possible to adapt to changing requirements as you go.

Agile development is more about discipline than talent. Every minute you spend practicing this now will save you hours of debugging and make collaboration a natural part of your development process.

Learning Objectives

Priorities: 🥚, 🐣, 🐥, 🐔 (click to learn more)
There is a lot to learn in this repository. If you can't master all the material at once, that's expected! Anything you don't master now will always be waiting for you to review when you need it. These 4 emoji's will help you prioritize your study time and to measure your progress: - 🥚: Understanding this material is required, it covers the base skills you'll need for this module and the next. You do not need to finish all of them but should feel comfortable that you could with enough time. - 🐣: You have started all of these exercises and feel you could complete them all if you just had more time. It may not be easy for you but with effort you can make it through. - 🐥: You have studied the examples and started some exercises if you had time. You should have a big-picture understanding of these concepts/skills, but may not be confident completing the exercises. - 🐔: These concepts or skills are not necessary but are related to this module. If you are finished with 🥚, 🐣 and 🐥 you can use the 🐔 exercises to push yourself without getting distracted from the module's main objectives. ---

0. Developing HTML & CSS

Practice with the skills, tools, and workflows you will need to efficiently develop websites written with HTML & CSS.

1. Following Plans

Practice working together in a group to build small websites in incremental steps according to a plan. You will be given final code, a detailed plan to rebuild it, and will need to work as a group following the processes in Planning and Collaborating.

2. Writing Plans

Practicing writing your own plans as a group. You will be given only the final code for HTML/CSS web pages, your group will need write a detailed plan for rebuilding the website in small steps.

3. Adapting Plans

Even the best plans are not perfect, it’s not possible to know everything ahead of time! You may be able to plan everything ahead of time when the web pages you build are very small and you have the code ahead of time, but it’s a whole different thing when you need to build a larger web page over a longer period of time.

In this chapter you will practice full Agile Development by developing a larger, open-ended web pages and adapting your plans as you go. Your team will need to make an initial plan, but the plan will change! Practice having regular meetings with your group to review the website’s progress, review your plan, and make any changes in the plan that are necessary to keep the project on schedule.


Study Tips

- Don't rush, understand! Programming is hard. - The examples and exercises will still be there to study later. - It's better to fail tests slowly and learn from your mistakes than to pass tests quickly and not understand why. - Don't skip the examples! Understanding and experimenting with working code is a very effective way to learn programming. - Write lots of comments in the examples and exercises. The code in this repository is yours to study, modify and re-use in projects. - Practice [Pair Programming]( two people, one computer. - Take a look through the [Learning From Code]( guide for more study tips ### Study Board Creating a project board on your GitHub account for tracking your study at HYF can help you keep track of everything you're learning. You can create the board at this link: ``. These 4 columns may be helpful: - **todo**: material you have not studied yet - **studying**: material you are currently studying - **to review**: material you want to review again in the future - **learned**: material you know well enough that you could help your classmates learn it


Setting Up

You will need NPM installed on your computer to study this material

  1. Clone this repository:
    • using SSH: git clone --depth 1
  2. navigate to the cloned repository
    • cd agile-development
  3. Install dependencies:
    • npm install

It’s highly recommended that you use either Linux or Mac. If you have a Windows computer you can either dual-boot your computer or install a virtual machine.


Code Quality Scripts

This repository comes with some scripts to check the quality of this code. You can run these scripts to check the code provided by HYF, and to check the code you write when experiment with the examples and complete the exercises. ### `npm run format` This script will format all of the code in this repository making sure that all the indentations are correct, the code is easy to read, and letting you know if there are any syntax errors. ### `npm run format:check` Checks the formatting of all files in the repository and throws an error if any files are not well-formatted. ### `npm run spell-check` This script will check all of the files in your repository for spelling mistakes. Spelling is not just a detail, is important! Good spelling helps others read and understand your programs with less effort. `spell-check` is not so clever though, it doesn't have _all_ possible words in it's dictionary and it won't know if you _wanted_ to spell a word incorrectly. If you think one of it's "Unknown word"s is not a problem, you can either ignore the suggestion or add the word to the `"words": [ ... ],` list in [.cspell.json](./.cspell.json). ### `npm run lint:md` This script will [lint]( all the Markdown files in this repository, checking for syntax mistakes and other bad practices. Fixing linting errors will help you learn to write better code by pointing out your mistakes _before_ they cause problems in your program. Some linting errors will take some practice to understand and fix, but it will be a good use of time. ### `npm run lint:ls` & `npm run lint:css` This script will [lint]( the names of all files and folders in the project to check that they follow the project naming convention ([kebab-case]( ### `npm run validate:html` This script will [validate]( the HTML in this repository using [html-validate](