

The project’s goal is to improve your html and css skills beside your project planning.

copy-paste this checklist into a new deliverable issue.

- [ ] [repo]( (with a complete README)
- [ ] [live demo]( (GitHub Pages)
- [/planning](
  - [ ] constraints
  - [ ] communication plan
  - [ ] user personas
  - [ ] backlog
  - [ ] design
  - [ ] development strategy
  - [ ] retrospective
- [ ] [project board](


  1. set up the repo

    • use this template to create a new repo on your gitHub account.
    • turn on Discussions.
    • turn on gitHub pages.
    • protect main/master branch.
  2. project definition
    • what is your project about?
    • should be added at the main
  3. constrains
    • restriction that defines a project’s limitations.
    • can be internal or external.
  4. user personas
    • user personas are semi-fictional characters that represent different areas of your target audience, user base or stakeholder group.
    • semrush
  5. backlog
    • collections of user stories.
    • must have
    • should have
    • could have
  6. design( wireframe)
    • a wireframe is a simplified drawing of what your website will look like.
    • excalidraw
  7. development strategy
    • translating your must have user stories to coding tasks.
    • You can do should have and could have after finishing all must have stories(if you have time).
  8. development
    • start working on coding tasks according to your development strategy
  9. retrospective
    • a retrospective is meant for looking back at how the project went and learning what to do differently next time. An incomplete project with a great retrospective is still a success.

NOTE: All these documents are living documents, which means they can be modified or changed .