
Reading Material Start Week 3


These are the topics for week 3:

  1. What is programming?
  2. The basic building blocks
  3. Conditional statements
  4. Debuggers

From this week on we will be using the study book that is shared across all HackYourFuture chapters to explain the concepts rather than having the explanations here. You can click on each concept in the list above to go to the explanation! There are usually also extra reading links that you can go into if you need a little more help, but those are optional.

If you haven’t yet, make sure to follow the setup guide to have everything set up!

1. What is programming?

Welcome to week 3! This week we are going to go deeper into web development by learning the programming language that the browser can understand: JavaScript!

We want to first take a little bit of a broader look at what programming is in general before we dive into JavaScript. Have a look here

2. The basic building blocks

The most basic building blocks of programming are variables/values and operators. They allow you to create something, manipulate it and then store it somewhere. Have a look at the following articles to go over the basics of this:

3. Conditional statements

Using the basic building blocks you can already do quite a few things, but you cannot really add any kind of logic. It cannot really respond to anything that is happening, which is the main thing that makes code so powerful! So let’s learn about conditional statements here

4. Debuggers

Now that you are about to get practical and start writing your own code it is important to cover the topic of debuggers as they allow you to step through your code. Have a look at some tools that you can use to look under the hood of your code in the section about debuggers. You won’t understand everything of what’s there yet, but debugging is so important we want you to look at it early. Revisit it often to learn the rest.


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