
Command Line Interface

What is CLI?

The Command Line Interface (CLI) is an editing environment that is text-based. It uses specified text (known as commands) to interact with the computer and perform numerous operations, including installing and working with programs.

Basic Command Unix-like

man : to show the usage manual, or help page, for a command

man <command>
man ls

pwd : to see where we are, we can print working directory


ls : lists the files and directories in the current working directory


cd : to change directory

cd  <directory-name>

cd .. : to move up one directory

cd  ..

mkdir : to create a new directory(folder)

mkdir  <directory-name>

touch : to create a new file

touch  <file-name>

rm : to delete files or directories

rm <file-name>
rm -r <directory-name>

echo : to print the string pass to it as argument

echo "Hello world!"

cat : to print the contents of files

cat  file.txt

exit : to end a shell session


history : to displays an enumerated list with the commands you’ve used in the past


clear : to clean up the screen or you can use the shortcut Ctrl + l
